How to Earn Points Through MoonPump
Earn Points by Launching MeMeCoin on MoonPump:
Token launches conducted on MoonPump can earn points.Ensure you launch the token directly on our platform, not from other markets; you will receive a reward of 10 points for each launch.
Earn Points by Successfully Launching MeMeCoin and Creating a Swap on MoonPump:
Successful token launches on MoonPump can earn points.Ensure that the MeMeCoin you launched has been successfully launched and is not still in the joint curve state; you will receive 200 points for each successful launch.
Earn Points by Trading MeMeCoin on MoonPump:
Successful token purchases on MoonPump can earn points.Ensure that the amount you spend on purchasing MeMeCoin is greater than 1 SOL; you will receive 20 points for each 1 SOL spent.
Invite Other Users to Join the Listed Commission Plan on MoonPump:
Inviting friends to join the platform on MoonPump can earn points.Invite 1 person to complete a transaction to earn 10 points.If the total purchase amount of invited users reaches 1 SOL, you will receive 10 points (calculated uniformly if there are multiple invitees).
Last updated